Burlington Baptist Church Covid Protocols

Effective immediately, we will no longer be requiring you to register to come to church.  I hope this means that many of you will be with us in person this Sunday!  We will no longer be checking vaccination status or taking temperatures, and a full complement of chairs has been returned to the Sanctuary.  Worshippers are invited to sit where they wish, allowing everyone to find their own comfort level in terms of distancing.  Thanks to the efforts of our Hospitality Team, we have also resumed serving coffee after services.  We do ask those who stay for coffee to remain seated while enjoying their drink.  The one restriction that we will keep firmly in place, at least until the end of April, is that we are still requiring everyone who enters our building to wear a mask.  Signs are posted at each entrance as a reminder, and Greeters will approach anyone entering the building not wearing a mask and ask them to please put one on.  We feel that masks remain the most effective way of limiting the risk of infection.

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