Church Ministries
Adult Bible Study
The Adult Study Group meets to study together a variety of books with a Biblical theme, a recent example is “The Return of the Prodigal Son” by Henri J.M. Nouwen.
For more information please contact the church office at

Circle of Friends
Circle of Friends implements a program with a positive experience for socially-isolated seniors and volunteers (also seniors) involved in the delivery on each Wednesday for fifteen consecutive weeks. Fifteen older adults attend and enjoy a hot nutritious meal prepared by volunteers. After the meal, a program follows that offers a learning experience, fun or activity.
Should you have an interest in this program or a question, please contact Mae Radford, Coordinator, at or 905-333-4065
Friendship Group
The Friendship Group program is held on the 4th Tuesday of the month and is a time for fellowship, a chance to enjoy a good meal with friends and an opportunity to stay connected with one another. The program begins at mid morning with lively conversation and games. This is followed by a lunch served at noon, after which the group is entertained by singers, musicians or informative speakers. A small fee is charged to cover the cost of the meal and entertainment. At this time, the Friendship Group has not been meeting, due to the pandemic, but does hope to return as soon as it is safe to do so. Please contact Walter Mulkewich at 905-529-2564 for details.

Unravelled Crafters
Unravelled crafters are a group of people who gather to knit and crochet items for people in our community. Since we have been unable to meet in the church most of our members have been working at home on various projects such as hats and scarves for a variety of charities. These charities are mainly involved with either children, homeless individuals or seniors.
Even though we haven’t been able to meet in person, we are in the process of discussing both a meeting time and the possibility of extending our group to include interested new members. There is also consideration given to including other crafting such as quilting and mixed media projects. More information will be forthcoming once we are free to meet again as a group. Stay tuned and keep crafting!!